Restoring biodiversity
Converting a chemically reliant tea estate to an organic farm requires the reintroduction of diverse trees and plants. We have seen how even barren land can slowly regain its natural richness and a diverse collection of pollinators through reforestation efforts. A beneficial side effect is that we are now producing spices, medicinal plants, timbre trees and fruits for use and sale.
This process has been vital to the retention and purification of water and fresh air on the estate. Forests are the lungs of our earth - and they must be preserved if we are to avoid extreme climate conditions - from flooding to drought. After five years of work, a dormant spring at Shrawani Estate came back to life. It now produces enough water to supply a neighboring house.
We have over 300 species of trees, plants and herbs growing on our land. Our plants have begun to be germinated naturally – with birds bringing us new varieties that take to our soil and grow with greater speed than the plants we have bought and cultivated ourselves.